I. Basic Information

AddressBrgy. Sabang Tabok, Lavezares, Northern Samar
Geographical Location12⁰32’07.3” N 1234⁰20’09.8” E
Total Land Area (has)12.0
Date Established1978
Established/Acquired thruLGU Donation
Status of Land OwnershipOwned by the Bureau of Fisheries and aquatic Resources
Development ZoneBrackishwater
Major ThrustMilkfish
Minor ThrustMangrove crab & saline tilapia
Station SuperintendentJackie L. Lim
Contact. No.0936-693-3472

II. Details of Production

 No. of UnitsTotal Area (ha)Estimated Production Area (ha)Estimated Production Capacity (MT/yr)
Research Production AreaNP 8.5 
Demonstration  2.0 
Swamp Area  1.0 
Water Salinity  20-27 ppt 

III. Commodities Produced

 No. of pcs/unitsEstimated Volume of fingerlings produced (Annual)
Milkfish Fingerlings1,000,000600,000 pcs fingerlings/yr
Mangrove Crab (techno demo)1,000800 pcs marketable size (300-450 g/pc)
Saline Tilapia (techno demo)12,000 
Mangrove Crab Nursery (NFRDI techno demo)6,0003,500