I. Basic Information

AddressZone 7, San Roque, Northern Samar
Geographical Location12°32’30″N      124°52’19” E
Total Land Area1.2 hectares
Date EstablishedJune 29, 1996
Established/Acquired thruDonation under Land Title No. 3058
Status of Land OwnershipDonated under Land Title No. 3058
Development ZoneBrackish water and Marine
Major ThrustBrackish water and Marine
Minor ThrustBrackish water, Marine aquaculture & Inland Fisheries Resources Management
Station SuperintendentPrivy Jane C. Cadlum
Contact. No.09266883195 / 09380235634

II. Details of Production

 No. of UnitsTotal Area (ha)Estimated Production Area (ha)Estimated Production Capacity (MT/yr)
iBEST Broodstocks2 wastelands60m x 3m75 m2300,000 fry (2021)
Acclimatization Tanks5 tanks14m x 6m 240,000 (4000 pcs. size 17 @12 runs)
Milkfish Satellite Hatchery (not yet operational)16 6-tonner tanks218.2125 m2173.4084 m220,000 fry per tank (20% survival rate) .: 80,000 fry per tank (4 runs) .: 800,000 fry (10 tanks @ 4 runs)
Fish Pen (for growout)5 compartments3,500 m23,500 m2

III. Commodities Produced

 No. of pcs/unitsEstimated Volume of fingerlings produced (Annual)
iBEST650 (500 Female and 150 Male) .: only 400 reported to GSU as of December 2020300,000 fry (2021)
Other Seedstocks
Tilapia (for growout in pen)Dependent on the number of fingerlings available from the station
Milkfish eggs100,000 eggs per tank (stocking density)20,000 fry per tank (20% survival rate) .: 80,000 fry per tank (4 runs) .: 800,000 (10 tanks @4 runs)